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原版Cosmology/Steven Weinberg

作者:Steven Weinberg
1: The Expansion of the Universe 2: The Cosmic Microwave Radiation Background 3: The Early Universe 4: Inflation 5: General Theory of Cosmological Fluctuations 6: Evolution of Cosmological Fluctuations 7: Anisotropies in the Microwave Sky 8: The Growth of Structure 9: Gravitational Lensing 10: Fluctuations from Inflation Appendices A: Some Useful Numbers B: Review of General Relativity C: Energy Transfer Between Radiation and Electrons D: The Ergodic Theorem E: Gaussian Distributions F: Newtonian Cosmology G: Photon Polarization H: The Relativistic Boltzmann Equation Notation Glossary of Symbols Assorted Problems
Professor Steven Weinberg Jack S. Josey-Welch Foundation Chair in Science and Regental Professor and Director, Theory Research Group Department of Physics University of Texas at Austin Nobel Prize in Physics,1979National Medal of Science, 1991Benjamin Franklin Prize, American Philosophical Society, 2004Member, U. S. National Academy of SciencesForeign Member, Royal Society of LondonHonorary Member, Royal Irish AcademyMember, American Philosophical SocietyFellow, American Academy of Arts and SciencesJ. Robert Oppenheimer Prize, 1973Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics, 1977Earned degreesA.B., Cornell University, 1954 Ph.D., Princeton University, 1957Honorary degreesHarvard University, A.M., 1973 Knox College, D.Sc., 1978 University of Chicago, Sc.D., 1978 University of Rochester, Sc.D., l979 Yale University, Sc.D., 1979 City University of New York,Sc.D., 1980 Clark University, Sc.D., 1982 Dartmouth College, Sc.D., 1984 Weizmann Institute, Ph.D. Hon.Caus., 1985 Washington College, D.Litt., 1985Columbia University, Sc.D., 1990 University of Salamanca, Sc.D., 1992 University of Padua, Ph.D. Hon.Caus., 1992 University of Barcelona, Sc.D., 1996 Bates College, Sc. D., 2002 McGill University, Sc. D., 2003 University of Waterloo, Sc. D., (咨询特价)
A stimulating source of intellectual excitement. [...] While the relevant technical aspects of the presentation can only be fully appreciated after a careful reading, a clear message emerges with vigour after the first reading: atomic physics, nuclear physics, field theory, high-energy physics and general relativity all come together in the description of our universe. In other words, Cosmology provides a vivid example of the basic unity of physics, which is something to bear in mind during the decades to come. (CERN Courier)
A technical tour de force for the intrepid graduate student, Weinberg's new book will greatly appeal to particle physicists tooling up in cosmology and be an indispensable source for the practitioner. (Physics Today)
With his unsurpassed ability to explain even the most difficult mathematical and conceptual steps with a few strokes of his pen, Weinberg takes the reader from the basics of cosmological kinematics and dynamics (space-time geometry, cosmological expansion, the Friedmann equation, thermal history) to advanced topics, such as the growth of structures, inflation and gravitational lenses. (Mathematical Reviews)
A tour de force that even established cosmologists will learn from.Any scientist interested in cosmology should read it.
Steven Weinberg's "Cosmology" is a thorough, graduate-level introduction to the field, which incorporates the frenzied developments since his 1972 classic, "Gravitation and Cosmology". This is sure to be another hit. (New Scientist)